SAVE the DATE - April 18, 2014 |

Sunday, June 23, 2013


Two things:

  • We wanted to clarify the housing arrangements.  Ballast Point 34 and Ballast Point 35 are reserved for the wedding party and immediate family, meaning Bride and Groom's parents and grandparents.  When making reservations (855-522-7013), Pirate's Cove will assist in setting up your accommodations.  So if you would like a house close to Ballast Point 34 and 35, let them know that.  Same goes for wanting pet friendly, or sound front, or 2 bedroom condo, or any other specifications you are looking for.  Pirate's Cove Reservations will help set that up for you!  
    Again - the campaign / reservation number is posted above and  
    if you have any questions, please leave us a comment or give 
    us a call.  
  • Incase you haven't heard how we met, we have added a new page called "Our Story" which is from his and her perspective.  Check it out!